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Well Integrity Management Training

From $5250 per attendee

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Course Information

โ€ข Definitions of well integrity
โ€ข Operating philosophy
โ€ข Roles and responsibilities of team members
โ€ข Elements of the well integrity management system
โ€ข Risk assessment
โ€ข Well design, well construction, and barrier requirements
โ€ข Barrier Verification/ Barrier Diagnostics
โ€ข Review of useful reference documents

Day 1
โ€ข Well Integrity operating philosophy
โ€ข Personnel competency and training
โ€ข Standards and governances
โ€ข Well integrity management system programs

Day 2
โ€ข Elements of the well integrity management system
โ€ข Effect of well ownership change over the lifecycle for wells
โ€ข Organizational structure with roles
โ€ข Evaluating integrity of different well types
โ€ข Industry accepted performance standards
โ€ข Well barrier verification

Day 3
โ€ข Determination of barrier requirements
โ€ข Risk assessment using a risk register
โ€ข Considerations for risk assessments
โ€ข Management of change during operations

Day 4
โ€ข Managing abnormal and sustained casing pressure
โ€ข Barrier Verification/ Barrier Diagnostics
โ€ข Solutions to barrier problems

Day 5
โ€ข Review of useful reference documents
โ€ข Review of course materials
โ€ข Evaluation of comprehension of course objectives

Well Integrity Management Training Course

The course takes a multidisciplinary approach. The class will cover how well integrity engineers interact with other team members to plan, drill, complete, produce and plug wells. Emphasis is on how to assess the status of well barriers and well barrier envelopes during each phase of the life of the well. Solutions to common problems are presented.

The aim of this course is to provide participants with a basic knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of well integrity. At the end of this course participants will be able to:
โ€ข Understand the roles and responsibilities of all the stakeholders involved.
โ€ข Know the competency and training requirements for personnel involved in operations.
โ€ข Understand the relevance of the ownership over the lifecycle for wells.
โ€ข Perform risk assessment with a risk register.
โ€ข Use Performance standards that define the requirements to maintain the well barriers within its operating limits.
โ€ข Apply the principles of well design, construction, and barrier requirements.
โ€ข Learn how to manage abnormal and sustained casing pressure.
โ€ข Understand the useful reference documents for well integrity management

Drilling, completion and production engineers that need to expand their knowledge of well integrity management. Operator and service company supervisors involved in field operations.

Continuing Professional Development