Subsea Engineering Training
From $5250 per attendee
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12 May, 2025 - 16 May, 2025
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2 June, 2025 - 6 June, 2025
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14 July, 2025 - 18 July, 2025
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04 August 2025 - 8 August, 2025
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Course Information
- Course Content
- Course Description
- Course Objectives
- Who Should Attend
- CPD Unit
Course Content
Day 1
Materials in the Offshore Environment
- Introduction to materials: atomic structure, crystal structure, imperfections, diffusion, mechanical properties, dislocations and strengthening mechanisms, phase diagrams, phase transformations, solidification, corrosion
- Introduction to materials in offshore structures: to materials usage in offshore engineering in fixed and floating structures, jack-ups, pipelines, and in topside and process equipment
- Structural steels: C-Mn ferrite-pearlite structural steels, specifications and influence of composition, heat treatment and microstructure on mechanical properties
- Pipeline Steels: Effect of processing grain refinement, thermomechanical treatment and accelerated cooled steels (TMCP). Effect of composition, inclusions, grain size and production route on mechanical properties
- Corrosion Resistant Materials – Stainless steels – austenitic, ferritic, martensitic and duplex stainless steels – compositions, microstructures, properties. Other corrosion resistant alloys, copper and nickel based alloys, clad material
- Non-metallic materials: concrete and reinforced concrete, polymers and composites used offshore
- Offshore failures: case studies.
Day 2
Corrosion in the Offshore Environment
- Thermodynamics of Corrosion: Electrode reactions, potential. Simple cells, electrochemical series, galvanic, series. Nernst equation. Common cathodic reactions. General corrosion. Pourbaix diagram
- Corrosion Kinetics & Mechanisms: Effects of oxygen and carbon dioxide, Galvanic corrosion, Pitting and crevice corrosion, Mechanical interactions, Microbial corrosion, Corrosion of welds, Stress corrosion cracking, Hydrogen embrittlement and effects of H2S, High temperature corrosion
- Corrosion Control: Paints, cathodic protection, Corrosion resistant alloys, corrosion monitoring, control by design.
- Cathodic Protection design: Design and CP calculations, Principles of Cathodic Protection, Criteria for Cathodic Protection, Impressed versus Sacrificial
- Coating technology: Pipeline Coatings, Characteristics of Pipeline Coatings, Coating Selection, Types of Pipeline Coatings, Specification and Inspection
Day 3
Subsea Oil and Gas Exploitation
- Reservoir Engineering: introduction, reservoir rocks – properties, reservoir fluids; rock-fluid interaction; phase behaviour of reservoir fluids; classification of reservoir fluids
- Drilling: history, drilling systems, tubing programs, connectors; primary guidance; motion compensation, wellhead housings, running tools, templates and tiebacks, completion overview
- Subsea Production: fundamental requirements; hardware – Xmas trees, manifolds, flowlines; analysis of building blocks; subsea developments – examples, case studies; new technologies.
- EPIC: Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Commissioning Project – Wellhead system case study
Day 4
Safety Risk and Reliability Offshore
- Failure distributions: how to analysis and interpret failure data, introduce the most commonly used discrete and continuous failure distributions (e.g. Poisson)
- Reliability and availability analysis: system breakdown, MTTF/MTBF/MTTR, survival, failure/hazard rate
- Risk management process: hazard identification, assessment, evaluation and mitigation (risk acceptance, reduction, ignorance, transfer)
- Risk assessment techniques for offshore energy systems: risk matrix, Pareto analysis, fault tree analysis, event tree analysis, failure mode and effects analysis, hazard and operability studies
- Reliability analysis techniques for offshore energy systems: reliability block diagram, minimal cutsets, series and parallel configurations, k-out-of-n systems, redundancies
- Offshore safety case and formal safety assessments: regulatory regime, safety case requirements, types of study, scenario development, examples of use of QRA methods, consequence analysis, vulnerability of essential systems, smoke and gas ingress, evacuation escape and rescue and typical output
- Review of major offshore accidents: Piper Alpha disaster
- Introduction to maintainability and its various measures, impact of maintenance strategy on system reliability
- Introduction to structural reliability analysis: stress strength interference and limit state concepts, first-order/second-order reliability method (FORM/SORM), damage accumulation and modelling of time dependent failures
- Workshops and case studies: work in groups to determine the risk and reliability of subsea production systems using various tools and techniques.
Day 5
Offshore Inspection
- Principles of Inspection: Underlying principles defining why inspection is necessary
- Underwater inspection – visual, by diver and ROV, Inspection requirements, and planning, Flooded member detection
- NDT – introduction
- Ultrasonics: Properties of sound waves: probe construction: systems A-scan, B-scan, C-scan, arrays and other data display/collection methods; defect sizing; weld inspection
- Long range ultrasonic testing (LRUT): How LRUT works, Conventional UT vs. LRUT, Advantages and Limitations of LRUT
- Introduction to CPCM technology: Conventional current measuring methods vs. CPCM o Eddy currents: principles of eddy current formation; interaction with material in homogeneities; the impedance plane as a basis of understanding the possibilities of the method; effects of depth of penetration and frequency.
- Radiography: principles of x-ray production. gamma sources; use of both exposure variables; use of IQIs to size defects; safety
- Electrical methods: ACFM and APCD, resistance (ac and dc) measurements
- Magnetic particle inspection: production of high magnetic fields; use of particles, relative directions of field and flaw; demagnetisation
- Dye penetrant: principles of cleaning, dyes, developers and interpretation of passive stress wave production and detection o Summary overview of course
Course Description
Subsea Engineering Training Course
This Subsea engineering course focuses on the Subsea sector as well as deep water issues of oil and gas exploitation. The course addresses the hardware that is used in subsea and issues such as field layout, flow assurance and installation/maintenance.
Course Objectives
- To gain a complete overview of subsea production equipment and systems for the development of Subsea oil and gas
- To understand how subsea systems are designed, installed and operated
- To understand the technology and processes involved in subsea engineering as well as problems encountered
- To explore subsea engineering solutions used with fixed platforms or floating production facilities
- To have a basic understanding of reliability analysis techniques and the mathematical basis of risk and reliability
Who Should Attend
This course suits those interested in oil and gas exploitation in Deepwater. You will be equipped with detailed knowledge and skills in subsea hardware, such as wellheads and separators.
-Field operators and inspectors
– Personnel who require knowledge of Subsea Engineering
CPD Unit
Continuing Professional Development