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Modern Mud Logging Training

From $5250 per attendee

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Course Information

Day 1
• Introduction to Mud Logging
• Essentials of Petroleum Geology
• Sedimentary basin analysis
• Drilling fluids & Drilling hydraulics
• Rheology of drilling fluids
• The Future of Drilling Fluids

Day 2
• Abnormal Pressures, Kicks & Kick Control
• Directional drilling
• Differential pressure pipe sticking
• Introduction to kick occurrences, avoidance, importance of mud density
• Fracture Gradient Determination
• How to read a mud log

Day 3
• Degasser Equipment
• Drilling Fluid Analysis
• Drilling Mud Contamination
• Gas Sampling
• Total Gas Analysis
• Component Gas Analysis

Day 4
• Cuttings Analysis
• Sample Lagging
• Cuttings Collection
• Cuttings Sample Examination and Description
• Maintaining Data Quality
• Formation Evaluation

Day 5
• Drilling Engineering and Operations
• Depth Measurement System
• Health, Safety and Environmental Considerations

Modern Mud Logging Training Course

Mud logging (or Surface logging) is the creation of a well-log when drilling a well, by examining drill cuttings and fluids brought to surface, by plotting significant drilling parameters and analyzing and plotting gas-in-mud data. The course describes how Mud logging services acquire, capture and process surface measurements and addresses how these data are used on the rig. Data handled includes drilling parameters, gas data and geological information.

• Understand how Mudlogging systems help monitor and interact with drilling operations,
• Understand the principles of gas measurements,
• Understand how geological data is captured and processed
By the end of the course participants will have a better understanding of the added value Mud logging skills, data and personnel bring to the geological and drilling process, to understand all operational elements in relation to the mud logging data. The importance of quality control and to have the skills needed to challenge data quality.

New hire wellsite geologists and operation geologists, drilling engineers, reservoir engineers, production engineers, petroleum engineers. geoscientists and anyone who needs an understanding of Mud logging.

Continuing Professional Development

35 hours CPD