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Fundamentals of Gas Network Code Operations and Regulations

From $5250 per attendee

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Course Information

Day 1
• Introduction of Network Code
• Market under the Network code
• Players and their roles under the code
• Nomination and Confirmation
• Daily operations of the code
• Case study 1

Day 2
• Gas transportation charging principles
• Balancing and imbalances charges
• Principle of Neutrality
• Curtailment hierarchy and procedures
• Case study 2

Day 3
• Gas supply point administration
• Entry-Exit point considerations
• Daily and non-daily metered sites
• Case study 3

Day 4
• Gas trading under the code
• On the Day commodity and Over the Counter markets
• Storage
• Case study 4

Day 5
• Gas billboards and trading platforms
• Regulatory roles under the code
• Case study 5

Fundamentals of Gas Network Code Operations and Regulations Course

This course is designed to provide the principles underpinning continuous gas supply via interconnected gas pipeline system, to meet the demand guided by rules that ensure competitive gas market is achieved and sustained. The course outlines the code’s licence arrangement for each participant and the regulatory framework to be followed to ensure continuous gas supply at fair and transparent price. The course outlines the supply point administration, and balancing, as well as well as system approximate price, including price for over and under supply in the system through congestion management procedures. The course also covers transportation tariffs, storage injection and withdrawal, daily and non-daily metered sites, including the use of trading and IT infrastructure to effectively manage imbalances.

The target of this course is to enable participants:
• To understand the structure of gas demand-supply under the Network code
• To identify the role of each participant and the regulatory framework guiding the operations of the code
• To understand the daily, monthly, and annual operations characteristics and balancing of the system.
• To understand single and multiple shippers’ operations and balancing
• To understand curtailment process and hierarchy, how it evolves, operationalised and regulations
• To explore the relevance of trading and digital technology in achieving market stability.
• To explore consumer protection guidelines and how to gas prices are managed to protect consumer while providing opportunity for players to make reasonable profit on their investment.

Administrators, Managers, Policy makers, Regulators, Engineers, Marketers, Accountants, Business Developers, Market Intelligent teams, Market modellers, etc.

Continuing Professional Development