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Drill Bit Design for Drilling Optimization Training

From $5250 per attendee

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Course Information

โ€ข Hole Geometry Selection
โ€ข General Design Procedures
โ€ข Size Selection Problems
โ€ข Bit and Casing Size Selection
โ€ข Bit Planning
โ€ข Bit Design
o Tricone and fixed cutter bit selection
o Bit classification
โ€ข Bit Hydraulics
โ€ข External factors in bit selection
o Rock properties
o Interbedded formations
o Drilling vibrations
โ€ข Drilling optimization
o Rate of penetration
o Mechanical specific energy
o Confined compressive strength
โ€ข Well Planning
โ€ข IADC bit dull grading code
โ€ข Bit selection โ€“ economics
โ€ข Drilling fluids affect on bit performance

Day 1

โ€ข Hole geometry selection
โ€ข General design procedures
โ€ข Bit planning
o Bit cost
o Known parameters
o Formation properties
o Mud systems
o Rig costs

Day 2

โ€ข Drill bit design
o Tricone and fixed cutter bit selection
o Bit classification
โ€ข Hydraulics
o Total flow area
o Hydraulic horsepower
o Impact force of fluids
โ€ข External forces in bit selection
o Rock properties
o Interbedded formations
o Drilling vibrations
o Bottom hole assemblies
o Directional drilling
o Drilling rig equipment/sensors/control systems

Day 3

โ€ข Drilling Optimization
o Define concept
o Overview of areas where we do and do not have control over well construction processes
o Identification of key performance indicators
o Real time management of performance
๏‚ง Case Study
o Software tools/Task analysis
o Workshop using real time data

Day 4

โ€ข Well Planning
โ€ข IADC Bit Dull Grading Code
o Examples of grading

Day 5

โ€ข Bit Selection โ€“ Economics
โ€ข Drilling fluid selection related to bit performance

Drill Bit Design for Drilling Optimization Training Course

This course is designed to present the many properties and applications for different types of commonly used drill bits. This course will emphasize how drill bit selection using scientific based methodology will impact drilling optimization

Attendees will learn how to plan, execute, evaluate and optimize a drill bit program based on hole geometry, well trajectory, rig equipment capability, downhole tool/bottom hole assembly design and bit performance.

Drilling Engineers, Supervisors, Wellsite Managers, Toolpushers, Drillers and any Administrators/Staff Members involved in the drill bit selection process.

Continuing Professional Development